Monday, February 16, 2009

One Touch

So I hope you're comfy cause this is going to be a long series of notes. I think how I'm going to do them is, for each message I'll make a different post, starting with the last one so that you can read them in order.
Our speaker this year was the new senior pastor at Kingsview Community Church, Pastor Jeff Johnston. He's an extremely blessed man and has helped do so much in so many lives this year at Freestyle '09 (our youth retreat). I would like to thank him for his stories, illustrations and messages over this weekend. He really spoke into my life.
What happened at our retreat, I don't know if it's the way you do yours, but we had 2 services each day except on Friday, we had only one. So that means I've got 5 messages to share with you (plus one more) and hopefully my notes will illustrate what Pastor Jeff wanted to get across. As for the bible verses he used, I won't be typing them out. I'll just say where it's from and you can go and look it up later. If that's not how you roll then you can have your bible with you or open another window and go to Bible Gateway where you can find the verses in pretty much every version of the bible there is.

At youth the day before we left to go to Bancroft (location of retreat), our youth pastor gave kind of an into message to the weekend. I'm going to post this here then start the individual posts.And just a little note on my note-taking style, I write sentences in point form so this won't be big paragraphs in case you're wondering.

One Touch
2 Samuel 22:32-46
1 Chronicles 16:21-23

~Sometimes we take credit for God's work.
-It wasn't us, it was God
~NEVER put your fingerprint on God's touch
~One touch from God makes a world of difference to all of us
~God's waiting to touch and mold us
~The fire bells in our sanctuary looks so out of place. They're red and everything else is bland compared to it. It looks like they shouldn't be there, like they don't matter. But, one fire breaks out and it instantly becomes the most important thing in the building; it could save everyone and everything.
-The devil tries to convince us that the fire alarm (us) isn't important and that we should conform to what's around us, we shouldn't stick out.
~We should brag about how much God loves us, not how much we love Him
-People (non-believers) will be able to relate much more easily to that than us living in God's presence
~There's no height or low to reach the limit of His love. You can only walk through it
~As human beings, we need to touch, be touched, and feel love
~Everyone can receive something from God if we want it, all we need is desire


Rae B said...

I'm Comfy, Ana, but remember not to overload people with info!

clarisa said...

Nice notes ANNA! I copied like almost most of it. Not quite everything yet though from Freestyle. :D ;)

interkultural08 said...

That's like saying a sermon is overloading you with info Rae!:P But at least if they're reading it they can take it in at their own pace