Monday, February 16, 2009

Living an Uncensored Love

Living an Uncensored Love
John 5

* Life is full of shameful, humiliating moments that attack your self confidence
ex. Lady singing National Anthem
* Once it happens a lot, the devil uses it as a foothold
* You need an uncensored love. It's unconditional and doesn't rely on appearances or actions or material items
* Moments of shame are horrible because we feel disgrace and it minimizes your sense of security; we feel exposed
* People wear the shame that's put on them from the phrase "shame on you"
~they wear it like a shirt
* The shame on you can come from different aspects
~social status, financial situation etc.
* That's how the devil gets you where he wants you
* John 5 = invalid not invalid (sickly person)
* With one touch, God can take away your shame and make you valid
* To live under shame is to be unworthy, to be worthy of guilt
* Shame can come into your life from violation, by you or someone else
* "My sin is ever before me"
-King David
* 70% of people in mental hospitals could be released if they just found a way to walk in forgiveness
* Zechariah 3
* Satin is the accuser of God's people
* God, Jesus Christ, is our defense attorney, our advocate
* It doesn't mean that what we did was right but he's always willing to give us another chance
* He gives you new garments that represent a new mindset and takes the shame and violation away
*Ephesians 3:17-18
When you're rooted and established in a love based on someone else's love, eventually you'll be disappointed
*You have to be rooted and established in His love first because His love is unconditional and uncensored. He will never let you down
* It NEVER goes away
*Absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God

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