Monday, February 16, 2009

Fight For Your Family

Fight For Your Family
Nehemiah 4:14 & 20

*The devil's number 1 priority is our home
- If he gets our homes, he gets the church because the church is made up of families
*Do not be afraid, but instead, remember the Lord who is great and fight for your families
*God will fight when we choose to go to war
-Fast, pray, intercede, go to the altar
*There's a role for each family member to play. These are:

1) The Father's Fight
*Job 1:5
-Take your children to the altar
*1 Corinthians 3
-Christ, men family

2) The Mother's Fight
*2 Samuel 21
There's something in the heart of a mother that will always be with her kids, that will never abandon them
*Even in the animal world, the mothers will fight (lioness raising a gazelle; true story, caught on film too. Let me know if you find the video or article)

3) The Children's Fight
It's our responsibility to fight for our family
*We have a responsibility to bring peace and honour our parents
*As far as it depends in you, bring peace to your homes
*Romans 14:19

***Dads pray, mothers never give up and children are peace keepers***

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