Monday, February 16, 2009

Uncensored Lift

Uncensored Lift

~It's time to go to higher places in God
~God will move in you, but only if you want Him to. You have to desire it
~Speaking in tongues is just physical evidence of God's spirit in your life (don't worry, not everyone can do this)
-What's most important is that you are actually filled with His spirit and want His unconditional love
~There's an aggressive part of us that comes out when we're pushed to the edge
- God's fiery and zealous and we have that inside of us too if we just push past that aggressive nature
~In a culture of continuous high speeds, God wants to be chased and desired
~He wants us to slow down and seek Him on a regular basis and wholeheartedly
~You have to persevere and press in
-Something happens when you don't give up on Him
~The uncensored moments with God are sometimes the most special and important
~So many people lose God and His power in their lives and never try to find it again because they're so busy with other things
~This world is full of great starters but not many great finishers because they're faced with opposition
~When something goes wrong, not the way we want it to, we give up on it but we have to let God change our minds and hearts so that we may try again, have a change of heart
~To run after God, you have to disrobe yourself before Him because "looking the part" doesn't matter
ex. King David bringing back the Arc of the Covenant
-It all comes down to the presence

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