Friday, October 31, 2008


From the quotes I have thus far collected, I have selected those that I thought would help in people's lives, or had to do with lives themselves. There may be quotes that contradict others or some that you don't understand. Don't worry, this is supposed to be thought provoking. I will also do a separate post for what I like to call 'Discussion'...very creative I know. These are quotes that have to do with the previous subject that I thought might bring upon a great discussion because they call upon peoples differences.

Before you read the following quotes, I would just like to apologize for the delay. I realize it has been a while since I created this blog and haven't posted anything. I've just been extremely busy. Hopefully, this will feed your appetites for a while.

Don’t let pride scare away happiness
-Nana Komatsu

I know I can’t go through life expecting the world to come to me.
-Nana Komatsu

If you live your life by someone else’s standards, your life is no longer your own.

You never know what fate has in store

Expect the unexpected

There are some things you can’t find out about yourself unless you throw yourself into the flames.

Don’t let your dreams outrun your common sense

There are two types of people in this world: those who do as they’re told and those who are true to themselves.

Why can’t dreams and reality bring happiness to our lives?

It’ll be up to you to create your own adventures. There are an infinite number of opportunities out there for you. You just have to decide which ones you’re willing to work for.
-Grams (Grist; pg.107)

Mr. Pollen always said that by keeping a journal, I could go back weeks, months, even years and recapture ideas and feelings, then use them to direct my writing—and my life
-Charlena (Grist; pg.123)

The people around the person want to help, but sometimes there’s nothing anybody can do.
-Andrea (The Blue Helmet; pg.81)

My friend, who showed me that I had to face the war inside myself before I could find peace.
-Lee (The Blue Helmet; pg.164)

Fighting for peace is like shouting for silence.
-Cutter (The Blue Helmet; pg.117)

He told me I should treat women as treasures, especially mothers. Without them, where would we be?
-Nathan Shepherd (Beyond the Reflection’s Edge; pg.128)

Your spirit has to sing. Every musician’s heart bears a song from the Creator, and he spends his life trying to duplicate it as an act of worship. His ultimate dream is to play it flawlessly for and audience of one at the great throne in heaven.
-Francesca Shepherd (Beyond the Reflection’s Edge; pg.130)

If man, made in the image of God, creates a masterpiece ex nihilo, he celebrates the creation of God, the one who did the same when he fashioned the world.
Ex nihilo= out of nothing
Nikolai (Beyond the Reflection’s Edge; pg.289)

What we call civilization is merely man’s way of trying to impose his values upon the natural world. Books, music, painting, all these constructed things that have so occupied our fellow guests this evening are but attempts to capture the soul of what we see around us. A way of making sense, of ordering our human experiences into something manageable, containable.
-Audric Baillard (Sepulchre; pg.238)

It's more important to be yourself than to fit into other people's expectations of yourself.
-Mom (Mixed bags; pg.162)

God made us with this empty space inside, We try to fill that space with all kinds of things that we think will make us happy. Like boyfriends or fancy clothes or doing exciting things. But in the end, none of that makes us happy. Sometimes those things will even make us more miserable.
-Rhiannon (Mixed Bags; pg. 194)

It's neither particular nor personal sins that bring tragedy into the human situation; it's the state of sin humanity is in that has broken its relationship with God. Alienation from God has resulted in a suffering world.
-Jesus (New Birth or Rebirth?; pg.64)

All those methods ignore some of the most fundamental realities of life--no one is justified by keeping the law. No one. Not one person has ever attained perfection by keeping the law. And what's more, no ritual in and of itself can bring you to God--there is no political or social cause whereby the heart is made absolutely pure.
-Jesus (New Birth or Rebirth?; pg.73)

To whom much is given, much shall be required.
-Jesus (New Birth or Rebirth?; pg.79)

However hard it may be, we need to recognize that our time, our possessions, our money, our status, and even our decision making can't be of paramount importance; in fact none of these things really "belong" to us at all.
-Nigel James (Lessons from the Road; pg.24)

And at the end of the day there has always been this comforting resolve that we are not in as much control of our destiny as we think. We are mere instruments in a larger orchestra with a better conductor.
-David Carr (Lessons from the Road; pg.42)

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

…you always want the very most of what you can never, ever have.
-Leah (Breaking Dawn; pg.319)

Only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. The unknown is...vulnerability.
-Aro (Breaking Dawn; pg.716)

Sometimes the way you beat an enemy is not to conquer but to confine.
-Asandra (The Book of Names; pg.116)

Unto everything there is a season...
-Bridget (A Passion Redeemed; pg.55)

One season ending just means another is beginning.
-Charity O'Connor (A Passion Redeemed; pg.55)

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
-Matthew 26:41

You once told me that people are attached to our obedience. You were right. And because of my lifelong rebellion again God, I have hurt the people I love most in life, as surely as Rigan hurt me.
-Charity O'Connor (A Passion Redeemed; pg.443)

To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
-Ecclesiastes 2:26

Make them like tumbleweed, my God,
like chaff before the wind.
As fire consumes the forest
or a flame sets the mountains ablaze, so pursue them with your tempest
and terrify them with your storm.
Cover their faces with shame, Lord
so that they will seek your name.
-Psalm 83:13-16

I was a chameleon when it came to adapting to the feelings of others, proficient at turning blue when people around me felt melancholy themselves, for example.
-Davy Connors (The Summer the Wind Whispered My Name; pg. 38)

People are like that too. Just when you think you know them, the slightest breeze will blow and they start showing you a whole new side. And it can be scary...lonely...confusing. And you just wish you had your old duck back again.
-Mr.Melzer (The Summer the Wind Whispered My Name; pg.106)

One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.
-Mark Twain (The Summer the Wind Whispered My Name; pg.107)

My mother had told me there are no accidents in life and that even those moments that appear to be filled with sadness and despair and frustration and uncertainty hold a purpose.
-Davy Connors (The Summer the Wind Whispered My Name; pg.333)

You have to begin as you mean to go on.
-Lissa Mansfield (It's All About Us; pg.14)

And this is my prayer: that your life may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ.
-Philippians 1:9-10

...'it's one thing to put on a secure front. It's another thing to be secure behind the front.
-Gillian Chang (The Fruit of My Lipstick; pg. 27)


This is the discussion part. I realized after that it can't be much of a discussion on the blog, but if you discuss it with someone else or think it over yourself I think it will serve it's purpose.
But by all means, if you wish to comment please do. I would love to know your thoughts.

People die because they no longer have the strength to stay alive. When you lose your will to survive, death is the only thing left.

You have to stand up to them. To everyone. No matter what the odds, never show weakness, always be willing to take them on, never give in. They have to know that it would cost them something, even if they won.
-Lee (The Blue Helmet; pg.43)

Oh for shame, how the mortals put the blame on us gods, for they say evils come from us, but it is they, rather, who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given.
-Homer (The Odyssey)

Expectations are often premeditated resentments.
-Tai Anderson (Lessons from the Road; pg.154)

Everything, living and dead, has a name. We use the names to help make sense of the world, to separate and identify...Common names are easy...forgiving. A form of grace...All these words start the process of knowing. They are useful. But deeper still lies our new name.
In a way. We all yearn to know and be known. It goes to our core. Most true names have been forgotten...To know a name is to know a thing for what it truly is, not what is appears to be. It is essence, connection, vitality--the difference between surrender and mastery.
-Sorge (The Book of Names; pg.140-141) seldom get to see the expression of wonder flash across someone's face in real life that it would be a pity to deny either of you that pleasure. Excitement and surprise-- those expressions are a dime a dozen, right? But the look of wonder is a rare occurrence, a fleeting moment of enormous value, that precious commodity of your youth. You search the eyes of the eyes of the elderly and notice something's missing, and you just can't put your finger on it. And then you look deeper and realize what it is: the sense of wonder...vanished with time, vanished with the doves.
-Davy Connors (The Summer the Wind Whispered My Name; pg.41)

I’m a big believer in coincidences. They’re the secret workings of God.
-Crazy George (Ripple Effect; pg.93)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


You may be wondering why I've created this blog and the purpose it serves in its Internet life. The reason, I will now explain, is simple. Whenever I read a book, watch a movie or TV show, I take note of certain quotations or lines, that interest me in many different ways. Whether the book is about romance or murder, or the movie includes mystery or suspense, you can always learn something new from these phrases.
Here, I wish to list these quotations and explore into more detail what they mean to me. My wisdom is now here, for anyone to read.

Enjoy! The first set will be posted shortly.
Your sister in Christ and your source of wisdom...
(Ha! That's a laugh says her friend who's typing this for her!)
P.S. These quotes will flow to my viewpoints and you may not always agree. No offense intended, so feel free to post you opinion! =)