Thursday, August 27, 2009


Wheresoever we have spoken plainly, there we have spoken nothing, but where we have used riddles and figures, there we have hidden the truth.
~Rosarium Philosophorum 1550

The science of alchemy I like very well...not only for the profits it brings in melting metals... I like it also for the sake of the allegory and secret signification, which is exceedingly fine, touching the resurrection of the dead at the last day.
~Isaac Newton 1642-1727

This invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practise their memory... You have invented an elixir not of memory but of reminding ...the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant..."
~Socrates, Phaedrus 469 -399 BC

Shut your eyes and change to, and wake another way of seeing, which everyone has but few use.
~Plotinus, The Enneads A.D. 205-270

The desire of power in excess caused the angels to fall; the desire of knowledge in excess caused man to fall.
~Francis Bacon 1561-1626

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Season of the Witch~Cont'd~

I would just like to apoligize for the length of the quotes for this novel but it truly is worth the time to read, both the quotes and the novel. It's really only the book that can convince you to read it...but in case it's kind of hard for you to find you can skim through these quotes. They will pull you in, intrigue you and enlighten you as much as they did me.

You should be able to pick up Natasha Mostert's book in any bookstore. If you want more information please visit her website. There are games and background info on some of the historical things mentioned in the book.

I'm telling you, THIS IS THE BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ!!! No lie!

Season of the Witch

The search for enlightenment is actually like an addiction: the drug that enslaves us is like the shadow itself.
~Akron, The H.R. Giger Tarot

Living well is the best revenge.
~Gabriel Blackstone (Season of the Witch; pg.83)

One's eyes is what one is, one's mouth what one becomes.
~John Galsworthy

Our brains are becoming lazy. We are losing the skill of remembrance. Our long-term memories are eroding. Instead of exercising our natural ability to remember, the way our ancestors had to do, we rely on modern technology-- the Internet, TV, photocopiers-- to prop up our ability to recollect facts and events. We are failures at remembering.
~Minnaloushe Monk (Season of the Witch; pg. 166)

Man's soul is inextricably bound to his power of recollection...
~Minnaloushe Monk (Season of the Witch; pg.116)

It changed his entire outlook on how he wanted to live his life. He realized that if you don't take risks, you will never know your limit. And if you don't know your limit, you don't know who you are as a human being. As a poet said: one should never be a butterfly collector. Rather be the butterfly itself.
~Morrighan Monk (Season of the Witch; pg. 124)

Don't you sometimes wonder how strong, how fast, how brave you are? ... Well, I suppose it's about taking yourself to a new level. And I'm not just talking about jumping off a tower. It could be a mental thing as well. Whether it's a challenge to the body or the mind, it doesn't matter. The common denominator is turning your back on safety and embracing the void.
~Morrighan Monk (Season of the Witch; pg.128)

You know what G.K. Chesterton said about angels and flying...they fly because they take themselves lightly.
~Morrighan Monk (Season of the Witch; pg.129)

It's an exercise of concentration. If I manage to keep my concentration with all those eyes on me, it strengthens my mind. Toughens the brain. To regain inner stillness when you find yourself in such a vulnerable position requires discipline, believe me.
~Minnaloushe Monk (Season of the Witch; pg. 154)

...I'm never sentimental about information. Not like Isidore who believes that information should be like oxygen. Free-- out there-- belonging to no one and everyone. Uncorrupted by issues such as profit and ownership.
~Gabriel Blackstone (Season of the Witch; pg.156-157)

What is the colour of seduction?
The easy answer is red, but that does not ring true. Red is full on. Seduction is a feather brushing against the inner thigh. Subtle. Teasing. I think the colour of seduction is cappuccino, dark coffee diluted with cream.
~The Diary of "M" (Season of the Witch; pg. 175)

Risk leaves our senses quivering. Danger is erotic. We are most aware when we find ourselves in the shadow of death.
~The Diary of "M" (Season of the Witch; pg. 176)

Love is extreme sport. It exercises the muscle of the mind with the same intensity as climbing a mountain exercises the muscle of the heart. And it's just as dangerous.
~The Diary of "M" (Season of the Witch; pg.192)

Everything that deceives can be said to enchant.

But our multitasking ability is a facile skill, allowing us to skim the waves of chaos, not swim through them. We're all born with natural memory. But instead of strengthening that memory throughout our lives--training it the way we do our body in a gym--we allow it to become flabby.
~Adrian Stallworthy (Season of the Witch; pg.288)

Memory, Minnaloushe came to believe, was what set man apart from all other living things in creation. Without memory you have no sense of self. Without memory you cannot remember the road you've traveled--can gain nothing from present life.
~Season of the Witch; pg.337

One of the crueler jokes of creation is being burdened with brains capable of conceptualizing a state of higher conciousness we have little hope of ever achieving. But we can strive, walking with hands outstretched like a blind man trying to orient himself in an alien place. And sometimes our clumsy fingers graze the mind of God.
~Gabriel Blackstone (Season of the Witch; pg.392)

If no one wanted more, evolution would stop in its tracks.
~Gabriel Balckstone (Season of the Witch; pg.393)

At the start of the book, he thinks he is cursed. But by the end he knows it was better to have seen fleetingly than not to have seen at all. It is better to go through life in pain but awake...than anesthetized and unaware.
~Gabriel Blackstone (Season of the Witch; pg.393)

Theirs had not been a great passion-- no delirium, no fevered brows-- rather a thing of quiet beauty. As the years passed he discovered that trust, gratitude, and a love more serene spin their own kind of magic. Most people feel alone, even when together. He and Frankie never did. They had known each other in full. Not a grand passion. But a love story? ... Oh yes, most certainly a love story.
~Gabriel Balckstone (Season of the Witch; pg.395)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stealing Bradford

Didn't think there was anything to learn from teen fiction did you??? Well, I'm here to tell you there is...especially if it's a Christian one. Here are the quotes and verses I thought were important in Stealing Bradford by Melody Carlson interstingly enough they're all bible verses.

You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'But I tell you: Love your enemiesand pray for those who persecute you...
~Matthew 5:43-44
Do not judge, or you too will be judged.For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
~Matthew 7:1-2
In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry...
~Ephesians 4:26